When The Dame Meet 21th Years

Yes. No april fooled here. She's birthday is holding on the day after 1st april. At night, we head to m.v a japanese restaurant - Pasta Zan Mai. I felt some compunction, which can't really finish up the set ordered. I tired hard to the end, to sorry for the left few can't make it. It was damn daffy full I can felt, I must be apt not to order much next time.

(2nd April - Eepy Birthday Li.!)

Define this dame. She is a person who always give me the piece of mind that she's "an" smart ass. You might ask why. You will never believe a person could achieve the studies result to level like these. How these? She had full A's in UPSR, PMR, SPM, STPM. Omfg. She must been eating some other different foods then us normal people, something about really special ingredient she has by her own. Hold guys, just let me go ask her later. XD So needless to say, she now is taking the scholarship holder and majoring pharmacy program in UM. She is a person who really english, much fashionist to british wears. Similarly, it makes me think about this tube... definitely indie and briton.

They call me 'help'...

They call me 'Stacey'...

They call me 'her'...

That's not my name!...

They call me 'quiet girl'...

But I'm a riot...

Mary-Jo Lisa...

Always the same...

That's not my name!...

(LMAO! all yall are retarded. The trippyest shit ever.)

- The Bolehland movement after 3 april 2009-


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